Xp Cannot Remove Printer Driver

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Fix for Cannot Remove or Delete Network Printer

How can I remove an old printer driver folder from the Windows 7 Filerepository?

Posted on September 28, 2008 at am

If you work at an office, you probably have several printers added to your computer that are network printers, i.e. no connected directly to your computer. However, as you move around in the company or printers die out, that list has to be clean up every once in a while.

Sometimes when you try to delete a network printer, you may get a message saying Cannot delete network printer from Windows and that s it. Great, so now you have useless printers clogging up your printer list. Luckily, there is a way to remove any network printer from your computer via the registry. Note that you will have to be an Administrator in order to do this.

Before you make any changes, make sure to read my post on backing up the Windows Registry.

Remove network printers from Windows using registry

Step 1: Click on Start, Run and then type in regedit and press Enter. This will open the registry editor.

Step 2: Navigate to the following key in the registry

HKEY_CURRENT_USER – Printers – Connections

Here you should now see a list of all network printers with the server name first, then a comma, and then the name of the actual printer.

Go ahead and click on the printer in the left menu and press the Delete button or right-click and choose Delete. But that s not all. You have to delete the printer from one more location in the registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE – SYSTEM – CurrentControlSet – Control – Print – Providers – LanMan Print Services – Servers – Printers

Now under the Printers key, you should be able to expand it and see the name of the print server that actually hosts the printer you want to delete. Go ahead and expand the print server key and delete the printer from the list.

Now close the registry editor and reboot your computer. The undeletable network printer should now be gone. Also, check out my post on how to install a network printer. Enjoy.

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xp cannot remove printer driver

With this add-in you can permanently remove hidden data and collaboration data, such as change tracking and comments, from Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and.

Windows Vista and Windows 7 has a tool called the Microsoft Management Console MMC built into windows which you will use to remove the printer drivers.

Learn how to diagnose and fix common printer problems in Windows, including print errors, print spooler errors, and other issues.

xp cannot remove printer driver

One common problem I have run into with clients is trying to share a printer connected to a Windows XP machine with Windows 7. There are lots of people out there that.

xp cannot remove printer driver

Download Dell 962 Printer Driver Download for Windows Vista, XP Download Brother DCP-8085dn Printer Driver Download for windows 7,8, Vista, xp.

HP 4500 All In One Printer Driver Download update for Windows XP and Vista.

I have windows 7. I downloaded a HP printer driver, the first time it did not work and I have a . in a yellow triangle associated with it. I then tried it again and it seems to have worked because it has a green check mark under it. However I cannot print

- probably because I have two drivers with the same name. How do I delete the problem driver.  I have a new computer - no relation to Vista or any other OS.


2 people found this helpful

How can I remove an old printer driver folder from the Windows 7 Filerepository.  Move or delete requires System rights.  I upgraded from Vista to 7, and the Vista HP printer driver is loaded and cannot print.  I removed all the HP printer

programs, but the driver persists.

How can I remove an old printer driver folder from the Windows 7 Filerepository.  Move or delete requires System rights.  I upgraded from Vista to 7, and the Vista HP printer driver is loaded and cannot print.  I removed all the HP printer programs, but

the driver persists.

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In my Administrative Tools there is no print management.

Whatever the file is, its presence prevents the use of hibernate mode:

The following items are preventing hibernation on this system.

         There are one or more legacy drivers installed:


you must take ownership of said system file to delete it

how to add take ownership to system context to automatically allow editing of protected system files.

add these lines to a a black notepad document and save as takeowner.reg The . reg is the important part. this is how you can open the document as a registry modding file. you can name it anything you like and delete it after opening it

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Take Ownership


HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT shell runas command

cmd.exe /c takeown /f 1 icacls 1 /grant administrators:F

IsolatedCommand cmd.exe /c takeown /f 1 icacls 1 /grant administrators:F

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT Directory shell runas

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT Directory shell runas command

cmd.exe /c takeown /f 1 /r /d y icacls 1 /grant administrators:F /t

IsolatedCommand cmd.exe /c takeown /f 1 /r /d y icacls 1 /grant administrators:F /t


And save it as InstallTakeOwnership.reg No quotation marks. .

To un-install it open up a new notepad and paste this into it

-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT shell runas

-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT Directory shell runas

And save it as RemoveTakeOwnership.reg .

delete the cabinet drivers  these are located in C:/Windows/System32/DriverStore/FileRepository/ 

open device manager and right click the device properties go to driver details and find the driver it uses in the above folder. take ownership of said file otherwise fileaccess and delete will be denied

than delete it. now scan for hardware changes in dev man and now it will not auto load the driver from within windows and you can select your own reguardless if it is an older version

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